
Cherry Cream Cheese Pie: No Bake Cheese Cake Pie

No Bake Cream Cheese Pie

Nothing says the holidays like a classic Cherry Cheese Pie.  My family LOVES this pie, and I LOVE how quick and easy it is! Only a few ingredients and  five minutes is all it takes! Let it set up in the fridge for an hour or even better make the day before and dessert is ready!
Cherry Cream Cheese Pie


1 graham cracker crust
2 (8 oz. each) blocks of cream cheese
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 can sweetened condensed milk (or click here: for:  Make Your Own Sweetened Condensed Milk)
Optional Topping: 1 Can of Cherry or Strawberry Pie Filling

Jan's tip: I know this sounds obvious, but make sure you use Sweetened Condensed Milk and NOT evaporated milk, its an easy mistake to make!

In mixing bowl blend cream cheese, condensed milk and lemon juice till well blended
Pour into graham cracker crust and refrigerate at least one hour to set up.
Serve with Pie Filling.

Ok, Some of my family  I do not like Cherry Pie Filling, ok I like the cherry goo, just not biting into the canned cherries. So although some people pour the can of pie filling over the top of the pie before cutting and serving, I do not. I put the pie filling in a bowl and let everyone top there own. (That way I can just scoop up the cherry goo I like and ditch the cherries!:

Here's how the Pie slices up and serves: