
Make Your Own Egg Substitute

There are alot of different egg substitute recipes out there.  The only problem I have with trying them all out is that I'm just not willing to take the risk of it not turning out well and feel like I've wasted good grocery money on a bunch of test runs.  I have however 3 favorite recipes for making my own egg substitute. 

The reasons to use egg substitute are many. Some people want to cook them like scrambled eggs, but want to reduce the cholesterol of whole eggs, some people are vegetarian/vegans and need a substitute to bake with, and not to mention egg allergies. 

Not every egg substitute recipe will work for all things, that is why it is good to have several tried and true recipes handy.  Here are my go to recipes:

Recipe #1: 
For traditional egg substitute (like egg beaters):
1/4 cup = 1 large egg: this recipe makes equiv. of 2 large eggs

3 egg whites
1/8 cup powdered milk
1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil
Optional: 1-2 drops of yellow food coloring

Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Discard yolks or save for other cooking purposes.

 Add in 1/8 cup powdered milk and 1/2 tablespoon oil:
(also can add the food coloring  if desired)

Mix well. Use immediately or store in refrigerator or freezer.
1/4 cup = 1 large egg.

this is what it looks like w/out food coloring

this is scrambled w/out the food coloring

Recipe #2:
Flax Seed Egg Substitute
this makes enough for the equiv. of 1 egg

egg substituteGround Flax seed is one of my secret weapons.  It so nutritious with it's high fiber and omega-3 fatty acids,  that I secretly sprinkle into alot of the baking that I do. My family doesn't know that I added it, and it sneaks in that little bit extra into anything from granola bars, oatmeal cookies, breads, muffins, etc.  Using it as an egg substitute is a great way to reduce the cholesterol in the recipe while increasing the fiber.  This version is good for using in baking, and has an earthy, granola type taste so  keep this in mind when using it. Start by replacing only one traditional egg in your recipes with a  flax-egg  substitute and then increase as you bake more and like using it. 
You can find ground flax seed usually in the aisle with the flours ( I got mine at Walmart top shelf above flour).
Here's how I make it:

1 tablespoon ground flax seed
3 tablespoons water


Mix Ground flax seed and water in microwaveable bowl:

Microwave for 1 minute and then let set for 2-4 minutes or so.  The flax seed substitute will turn to an eggwhite/ gel like consistency. You can skip the microwave and just store the mixture in fridge till it turns to the eggwhite consisitency if you have a few extra minutes. Here's what the final product looks like:

Recipe # 3:
Mashed Bananas

When your family leaves you one lone brown banana that they refuse to eat, and it's not enough to make banana bread, consider freezing it for using as an egg substitute.

1/2 banana= 1 large egg

Mash entire banana. Divide evenly between two ziplock bags and store in the freezer. Thaw before using.

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