
Protein Power Balls

Protein Power Balls or Energy Snack Bites are easy to make and give you a quick, boost of energy just when you need it!  Do you find yourself spending money on protein bars? Do you want a quick and super healthy snack or breakfast for you or your "on the go"  family that they will love?  If you haven't yet been introduced to no bake power balls let me get you started!

I've got two recipes for you, but once you make them you can really start playing around with them. Get creative like adding sunflower seeds, dried fruits, the list goes on and on.

I first ran across power balls years ago, with my daughter, in a magazine.  She was playing volleyball and basketball and these were a great  way to give her some energy and nutrition.  Later her brother started playing football in high school, and  he really struggled during those  hot, humid, southern August summers to keep any kind of food on his stomach.  I went back to these power balls and  found them  to be  very helpful.  

When I went to make the first recipe, I grabbed my son's  soy protein powder and to my dismay it only had one scoop left. So I've made a third of the recipe in the photos. 

Printable Recipe

Makes approx. 36 powerballs:
 1 cup Peanut Butter
1 cup honey
3 cups oats
1/2 cup ground/milled  flax seed (found in the flour aisle at the store)
1 cup chocolate chips
(optional: 1 cup nuts, or, coconut, or dried fruit, or a combination of these )


In mixing bowl combine honey and peanut butter.
Add remaining ingredients and mix till well blended.
Here's the messy part! (Your kids would love to help with this !)
Squeeze a small amount in your hand to make about a one inch ball. Roll in your palms till ball holds together firmly and place in an airtight container with a lid or ziplock bag. Store in refrigerator.


This makes 8 power balls:
2 Tablespoons Peanut butter
1 Tablespoon cocoa powder
1 Tablespoon flax seeds (whole or ground: I used ground)
3 scoops chocolate soy protein powder ( the scoop comes with the protein powder)
3-4 Tablespoons honey
nuts or oatmeal for rolling the balls in (chopped almonds would be great! I used oatmeal)

In mixing bowl combine peanut butter, 3 tablespoons of honey, cocoa powder, flax seeds and protein powder. Mix well. Use another tablespoon of honey if you feel mixture is too dry and will not hold itself in a ball when formed.
squeeze a small amount into a 1 inch ball and roll in your palms to form ball. Roll in nuts or oatmeal and place in container with an air tight lid:

Store in refrigerator.