So the truth is I am a terrible journal writer. There, I've said it. I've always known it, but a year or so ago I realized that because of it, I have left very little in writing for my future posterity to ever read, that's when I started blogging. I have a blog for my family where I write a little about Spiritual topics, and then I started this one, so they could have a little more of life tips.
But, years ago I kept an article from the Family Fun Magazine written by Michael Boyter called:
"Re-energize your Journal Writing Today for Tomorrow". I would like to share a summary of this great article.
I have loved his tips so very much, as the article speaks directly about what you want your future grandchildren to read about you, about this time that you live in. He said: "What you write today may be the only record of your current families existence."
With the beginning of a new year, I offer you Mr. Boyter's tips for what/how to write a journal:
1) Write What You Think and Believe.
He suggests forget the rule of not talking about religion or politics. Do not shy away from sharing your knowledge, opinions with your future generations.
2) Write About and For Your Children:
Keep a record of your children's important dates, their "firsts", their teenage years.
3) Write About the World Around You:
He says: "Would you prefer to read about history as lived by your great grandparent or from a stale encyclopedia?
Write about the economy
your first computer
your first impression of the internet
What was your first online purchase
First time you saw the space shuttle blast off
The cost of a soda pop: ( I recently found an old receipt I'd kept as a teenager from 1982 from A & W Restaurant where I paid 95 cents for a soda and french fries!)
How listening to music has evolved ( Records, 8- track, Cassette Tape, CD, and Downloading digital music)
Fun things like Using Skype, electric cars, ...
4) Name Drop
By name dropping he is referring to extended family. Do not forget to mention brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, etc. Very likely your writings about them maybe their descendants only written words. Hundreds of their descendants will be very grateful to you! Write about your interactions with you. Speaking on the phone,holidays or vacations spent with them, funny or interesting things they did.
5) Family Stories and Traditions:
Annual apple picking trips, Friday night pizza and movie night, anything your family does. Also any handed down family stories. Make sure to document them as you remember them, ask other family members about them as you write and share their recollection also.