
Emergency Supplies You Should Buy During Back to School Sales

Back to School Sales is the perfect time to stock up on or replace some items in your emergency preparedness supplies.

Particularly your 72 hour kits/"Bug out Bags". If you don't already have items gathered and stored ready to evacuate in case of emergency you really should!

Here is a list of my favorite things that are usually on sale during this time of year.

Emergency Supplies to Buy at Back to School Sales:

1. Water Bottles. Cases of water is at the lowest price you will probably find all year. Now is the perfect time to grab a couple cases. Store some with your bug out bags as well as in case you need water at home in case of an outage.

2. Backpacks. If you need to prepare your bug out bags or 72 hour kits, now is the time to buy a back pack for each member of your family.  I prefer a bright color such as red or lime green so they are easy to spot when evacuating, and won't blend in with all the navy blue or black ones out there.
Back packs are easy to carry even for your younger children and easy to store.

3. Antibacterial wipes/hand sanitizers. I usually  grab one of each kind to store with my go bag. who knows where we may evacuate to, and being able to "degerm" even a little bit will bring peace of mind!

4. Facial Tissues. grab a pack of those portable small packages to go in each back pack.

5. Plastic totes/bins. With college students heading off to college, they usually have plastic totes on sale. Grab some now for storing sleeping bags, tents, Toiletry supplies, first aid kits etc. for your evacuation readiness.

6. Peanut Butter and Jelly: These staples will last a long time in your kit, and the protein and carbs will go along way to keeping you fueled during an emergency.

7. Granola Bars/ Protein bars: Perfect on the go for a small meal  on the go.

8. Fruit snacks/ fruit roll ups/raisins/craisins: Think protable snacks. Now is the time to grab some that will last a while and will keep the hungries away in between meals.

9. Canned Pastas/ Canned Meals: Canned pastas such as Ravioli provide meals straight from the can if necessary. In an emergency they provide some protein, some carb's, as well as some vegetables (via the tomato sauce).  Pick foods with pop tops or toss can openers in your bags, and pick foods that have protein as well as carbs such as Corned beef hash, etc.

10. Juice pouches/drinks: Your kiddos might get tired of water (although this is the least of your worries in a crisis) Grab a box of small portable juices or drinks. I prefer those with Vit. C added in, so if I hand them one with a granola bar, I feel like they got a Semi- meal.


11. Gum/Candies: You may think this is unnecessary but in a crisis, it's amazing how something so small can keep your and your children's spirits up! Plus if you have a diabetic like I do in my home, the extra sugar is necessary.
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