
15 Minute Turkey Kielbasa & Vegetable Stir Fry with Quinoa

So as I write this it is the first week of January. By the time you read this I am sure I will be back to eating not quite as health conscious, but hey... I wanted to document that I tried.

Over Christmas when I had crowds of people I had pulled out a few turkey kielbasas intending to use them for a simple meal... but it never happened. So after the children and grandchildren all trickled back to their own lives I knew I needed to use them up!

I just made a simple but yummy stir fry in my cast iron skillet that turned out great!

First let start at the bottom: Quinoa.  (Keen-Wah)  it is sometimes called the Mother Grain and is almost a perfect protein.  It is a great substitute for rice.  In this case I had a box of quinoa mixed with brown rice in a red pepper-basil seasoning. It was easy to make in the microwave and had a fantastic flavor all by itself. I knew it was the perfect base for a simple stir fry.

Jans Tip: Use the Vegetables you have on hand! I added a handful of broccoli to mine and would have thrown in some mushrooms but someone finished them off in an omelet that morning! Get creative!

Turkey Kielbasa & Vegetable Stir Fry:
approx. 4 servings.

1 small box of quinoa.
1 Turkey Kielbasa sliced into 1 inch pieces
1/2 red pepper chopped
1/2 red onion chopped
1 zucchini sliced (I leave the skin son)
1 yellow squash sliced. (Skins on)
optional Vegetables: broccoli florets, asparagus, mushrooms, carrots
2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
2-3 Tablespoons of water.

Cook quinoa according to package directions according to the number of servings you need.
Over medium high heat in a large skillet fry the kielbasa pieces till heated through and starting to brown on the sides.
 Remove meat from the skillet and set aside till  later.
Add olive oil to pan.
Add all vegetables to pan.
Reduce heat to medium and saute for about 5 minutes or until onions and peppers begin to soften.
Add water to help steam the remaining vegetable.
When vegetable are cooked to crisp tender (or cook longer if you desire a softer veggie). add the kielbasa back into the vegetables and stir to heat through.
Remove from heat and serve over the precooked quinoa.

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