
Country Fair Blog Party: November 16

It's another great blog party starting!  This is a month long link up. Come on and join us!
 Here are your hosts for the month:
                                                 Tip Garden         Corn, Beans, Pigs, Kids
Big Changes! 
As you may have noticed Nicole from A Kansas Farm Mom, and Laurie, from Country Linked, have made the hard decision they need to take a break from blogging and concentrate completely on family and  farming. We completely love and support them and their decision, and send them our best wishes!

The Future? 
Val and Jan will be running CFBP through the end of the year, and we are looking to figure out where we go now. If we continue as Country Fair Blog Party, or Relaunch in a new direction. Not just a new name, but a new format altogether. This is where we turn to you and ask for your input!

Here's what we do know:
We do love hosting a blog link up party!
A Monthly link up is what we can handle.

Here's what we need input on:
If we did change formats would you give us your thoughts on them in the comments section?
we will be using your feedback as we make a decision.

Input Questions:

1) Themed Link up: Keep a regular monthly blog party, but  If we changed the format to a theme. How do you feel.
             A) General : Seasonal Monthly: any posts that would fit for that month: So the month of  May might be anything from Mothers day, graduations, Spring foods, Memorial day..
             B) Specific : Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter Holidays,Valentines etc
             C) A Simple Name Change/ Rebranding away from Country Fair Blog Party

2)  Step away from a regular link up and host fun "link up " weeks" and have you all  join us as Blogger Link up Hosts, onto your own blogs!

#appleweek or #pumpkinweek or holiday, Mothers day, Valentines, Easter, etc and bloggers would get to link up their post onto the link and get it posted onto their own blogs as well and share it too for the exposure!  This would mean you'd be joining us as hosts!

Now, Jan is talking here, I am thinking we could always "generalize" the theme a bit too, like "Thanksgiving" or "Autumn Recipes" to widen our base of bloggers who have posts to share. So let me know your thoughts on if that.

 Val did Apple week this year and loved it, AND our monthly Grand Champion Winner this month Cooking with Carlee,  came from that same Apple Week link up, so if you want to see how this type of link up works, go check out our November winner! 

This themed link up is a fun because you get to focus your own recipe/post  on your own blog, but join in as a host on a link up at the same time without doing all the work of a party host!  You just need to do a bit of work with us to get the link to us and then get some code into the bottom of your post so all the other links show up , underneath your main recipe! Like your own little blog hop!

3) Other? Do you have any other ideas or thoughts we should consider? 

Jan's Tip: Want to talk some more?  Don't forget you can always reach Jan via email right from her side bar! just type a message over in  in the Contact Me section! →

To Thank you: A Gift Bag Giveaway!

We will be giving away a Holiday Gift Bag to one lucky blogger who shares their thoughts in our comment section, as a thank you!

Gift bag includes, Holiday Apron, Oven mitt, spatula, cupcake liners with matching cupcake topper picks,  Sugar Cookie scented Candle, Food themed Gift tags,Wooden Canning jar hanging chalkboard style tags in canvas drawstring bag, and a  Reusable Farmers Market Style Shopping Bag,

Here's how to enter:
1) Link up at least one blog post to our monthly link party
2) Leave us a comment in our post comments with your thoughts on where we might take the future of Country Fair Blog Party.
3) After leaving a comment, click on the Rafflecopter button to enter the giveaway.
Giveaway ends midnight November 25th, 2016. Winners will be chosen at random via rafflecopter.
We will announce the winner in our December 1st Country Fair Blog Party Post,  and ask you to contact us to arrange for shipping you, your gift bag!

We hope to take all your thoughts, along with our own, and make a decision. both individually and together; and we hope to have an announcement if possible for the December Link Up!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Our First Place Winner from last month:
This post was the most viewed/read post from last months link up!

Slow Cooker Apple Cider Pulled Pork
Cooking with Carlee

Country Fair Blog Part

Congratulations Carlee!
Feel free to grab a Ribbon!

Also your post will be shared 
on my social media pages
and pinned to our Pinterest Board!

 Country Fairs are full of food, crafts, cooking, gardening, farming, animals, family, and community

 So is our Country Fair Blog Hop!

Come Share what you are up to this month!

  • Link up to 3 of your best posts!
  • Visit a few other party goers and let them know you stopped by to see them!
  • Grab the button below and post it on your blog, so others will be invited too!
Country Fair Blog Party

Ready? Get set... Go!

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