
Nominate a Care Giver for the Create the Good GiveAway!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Create the Good for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
 I am very excited to be working with the Create the Good Campaign! Create the Good  Their passion is to connect people with Volunteer experiences and their motto is: "Together we can make a difference. It only takes one person to help change your world. You have the power to use your skills to do good anywhere, anytime. And you can start here."


This month  Create the Good is holding the 25 Days 25 Ways to Care Campaign and I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of sharing it with you!  It  is your chance to nominate your favorite caregiver for some much deserved recognition!

Caregivers are the unsung heroes in our lives! They usually go about their tasks and life quietly and without much recognition at all. The tiresomely long hours without complaints, and almost always with a smile on their face and a cheerful disposition! Often they go from full time jobs to care giving, or they volunteer after work or school, or drive their neighbors to appointments..

When your caregiver needs care giving! My Birth Mother (I am adopted) is/was a caregiver to her longtime companion who is legally blind. But as it turns out, my birth mother now has Parkinson’s disease. So now together they are trying to take care of each other and actually both need a caregiver for some extra assistance.

It has been hard for their families to watch them grow older a watch the caregiver become in need of care giving herself as well as the companion, and for the families to find that devoted caregiver to assist them both.

Don’t think you know any caregivers?   In fact, many of you might think, you don’t even have any caregivers, or know any caregivers in your life. But I bet you actually do!

Coaches, Mentors, Teachers, Police, First Responders, Multigenerational Households, and more! All of these people go beyond their “shifts”, stay after work or practice, serve their families and neighbors.

My mother in law is currently caring for my father in law with Alzheimer’s, and it is exhausting at times. I know you have a coworker with an elderly parent, or somewhat at Church, or school who devotes their time to extraordinary care giving of a family member, neighbor, or others in need!

Who do you know needs recognition and could use a chance to win a gift card?

Here’s How!  The 25 Days 25 Ways to Care by Create the Good will be giving away gift cards daily in varying amounts to deserving caregivers!  There’s also a chance for the nominee to win grand prize money to donate to the charity of their choice as well.

Create the Good panel of judges, will select a winning video based on the impact a nominee has made on others and the creativeness of the video. The nominee in the winning video (The caregiver, not you the submitter) will receive the grand prize for $2500 donated to the charity of their choice!

Here’s How to Enter:

1)Go to Link to Enter: 25 Days 25 Ways to Care

2)Nominate Someone (Can not nominate yourself, must be someone else),

3)Submit Video no longer than 60 seconds telling them about your caregiver. Get creative! Be passionate!

4)Deadline for submission is December 2nd, 2016.

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