
Top Googled Posts of 2018

the end of one year and the beginning of the next always brings with it a look back on the past year. For me and blogging, it gives me a chance to look back on the past years posts and see which posts were the ones most viewed, and most searched out.

Looking over this type of information is helpful to know which direction to go in the future. These things always brings on a surprise or two, but the one thing I can always count on, that at least one of my top posts will be answering a cooking question of some type.  It may not appear to be an exciting recipe, and at the time that I post it, it never brings on instant numbers or clicks, comments , or likes. but sure as the gramma loves her grandkids.. you can bet, they just become the tortoise in the race of the tortoise and the hare, slow but sure wins the race. My number one post from 2018 with the most views this year is just that!  here's my list with # 1 kicking it off!

#1:  Marinara Sauce Vs. Spaghetti Sauce

The last 3 posts are all themed similarly in that they are either a grouped link party with tons of wonderful recipes under a theme that I helped host and have had a lot of people search,  or in the case of #8, a new year, new goals... Suddenly meal planning was popular at the beginning of the year, before our organizational skills dropped off later on, lol!

and drum roll please. the 10th most google search/ clicked post from 2018:

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