
Friday Feature: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner

 I have not done a Friday Feature in forever! I have found a product that I love and want to share it with you. Today it is Dove’s new line of Shampoo and conditioner.

Dive shampoo and conditioner

I do not get paid, nor am an affiliate for this company in any way, they don’t even know I exist. I will always tell you if I am getting paid to promote a product. I just happen to love this one and wanted to share it.

My hair is naturally curly, with loose curls and I do use a flat iron on occasion to tame it’s wild ways! I’m also letting the gray grow in naturally, i don’t  dye my hair and am finding my hair texture way more frizzy. Living in the southeast, the humidity effects it also.

I chose Dove’s Intensive Repair . I am getting the softness, moisture, and healthy hair like an appointment with my stylist! You know how you can’t stop touching your hair after a hair appointment, because it just feels fantastic? This happens with Dove hair care also! 

I also love the price! The salon quality for the price?? Game changer!