When Josh, Jen, and Jason were little (and not so little too!) Whenever I washed their "special" blankets, as soon as they were dry, I'd pull them still warm from the dryer and where ever they were, no matter what they were doing, I'd run and wrap the still warm blanket around them, like a great big hug! They would always smile and just for a second close their eyes and "feel the love"!
We all love the feel of the warm, soft, clean smelling laundry as you pull it from the dryer. And we all HATE being zapped by static cling! But, all those brand name fabric softeners and dryer sheets, and gadgets expensive! I've researched ways to save some money and still get soft, yet static cling free clothes. Here are a few money saving tips to try for yourself:
Free: (or nearly free!)
Safety pins: attach two safety pins to two pieces of the laundry just before starting the dryer. You will be amazed at how well this reduces static cling. Combine this idea with the vinegar in the wash idea (further down this page) and you should have a winning combination for just pennies a load!
Aluminum foil balls: Wad up some aluminum foil into balls and toss into the dryer. Not quite as effective as the safety pins, but about equal to the expensive dryer balls at the store!
Vinegar: Pour a 1/4 cup white vinegar into the fabric dispenser of the washing machine. You'll have no need for dryer sheets and your laundry won't smell like vinegar. Super inexpensive and pretty darned effective!
Dryer Sheets: What I have been doing for years: buy those dryer sheets when you have a coupon and they are on sale, but cut them in half or even thirds! It almost never takes a full sheet to work on your laundry! You'l double or even triple your value!
Spritzer Bottle: Pour liquid fabric softener and hot water in a spray bottle (50/50 mix) and lightly mist wet laundry before starting the dryer. Two or three good shots should do it. You could also just spritz a clean washcloth and toss that in the dryer.
Here are a few of my favorite tips from Tipnut.com
Reusable Homemade Dryer Sheets:
1) Flannel pieces (or Jan's suggestion is to cut up small sponges in half and squeeze out before using)4 TBS liquid softener
10 TBS water
- Cut fabric sheets from old flannel pajamas or leftover flannel fabric from sewing and cut into 3″ x 5″ strips (approximately).
- Stack flannel strips in a cleaned margarine tub (large size) or plastic container (cleaned baby wipes container works well too). Mix the liquid softener and water together, then pour evenly over top of stacked flannel strips.
- Seal container and shake well.
2) Soak a washcloth in full strength liquid fabric softener. Wring out excess, then lay out to dry first before using–helps prevent staining laundry the first time. To use: toss the dried washcloth in the dryer and use again and again until it no longer works. Resoak when needed (you should be able to do a few dozen dryer loads per fabric softener soak).
3) Mix equal parts hair conditioner and water and store in spray bottle. Mist a washcloth or sponge and toss in dryer with wet load.
Click the link below to purchase this new downloadable e-book with many natural recipes for making your own affordable cleaners for every room in the house!

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