
How to Make Cornucopias from Bread Dough

Ok, I finally did it, I tried my hand at making a bread dough cornucopia. I had wanted to give it a go for a while and finally did!  It did not turn out perfect but it was so fun!

I'll share my experience with you!

1 lb. of frozen bread dough
aluminum foil
baking sheet.
fruits and gourds for decor
Optional: Egg white beaten

thaw and let dough rise according to package directions.
Make a large aluminum ball out of foil, this will keep the coneshape open during baking.
Make a foil cone shape as well.
Place foil ball on work surface. Place foil cone directly behind ball. wrap one piece of foil around both pieces to make it one solid piece.
Roll out dough on a floured work surface in a rectangle.
Wrap bread dough around the foil pieces making a cone shape.
For shinier look to finished product, use a brush and brush on egg white to bread dough prior to baking.
If desired, roll up the end of the cornucopia and secure with toothpicks and a bit of foil.
Bake at 375° for 20 min or until golden brown.
Remove from oven and let cool before removing foil pieces.
Fill with fruits and gourds.
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