
Friday Feature: Crock Pot Liners

slow cooker bags

Friday Feature is where I get to share with you some of the things I use regularly and feel I can't live with them! Today's Feature is Crock Pot Liners.

I am not getting paid to endorse this product, and will always tell you when I am. I just happen to LOVE this item, and if you don't already you will!

Many of you already use these and love them. Others don't want to use them due to plastic and don't mind scrubbing out your crock pot. I don't mind it either, but there are a few times where I INSIST that they be used by my family.

Anything with a cheesy sauce that will get baked onto the sides of the crockpot and become a night mare to get off, is a great example.

My boys took a slowcooker full of nacho cheese sauce to their annual fantasy football draft day. I knew it would sit on warm all day and come home that night baked on. So... on goes the liner! THen I can just pour any leftovers into a container and toss the bag. No scrubbing, no soaking! I call that a WIN!

This is how the crock pot came home that night. Look at all that baked on cheese! No scrubbing for me!
You can find slowcooker liners in the same aisle as the aluminum foil. Keep a bag on hand for your messy meals!

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