
Mobility Awareness Month & Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Giveaway!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association. All opinions are 100% mine.

It is National Mobility Awareness Month. and the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association is giving away 4 wheelchair accessible vehicles!

 Do you have someone in your life that has physical challenges? Do they struggle to get around? Maybe their home, or to run errands or to appointments?  National Mobility Awareness Month brings attention to the issue of limited mobility and provides an opportunity to remind the community of some of the wonderful resources that are available to assist them!

The Challenge:  First, let me share my story. Well, it’s not my story really. I was adopted and, in the past few years, have been reunited with my birth mother. She has Parkinson’s Disease and can not get around by herself.  Her spouse is legally blind and has a guide dog.  So we have one person needing a wheel chair with help by someone, and her spouse is holding on to their own guide dogs leash. Not ideal for getting around the house, let alone out in public.  Neither one of them can drive, and struggle to assist each other in their mobility issues. They do not drive or have access to a wheelchair accessible vehicle.  They have a caregiver come in a few times a week but that does not always cover all their needs. Public transportation is sometimes their only recourse to make medical appointments, but that is not ideal in the least.  I would love to improve their mobility issues! It breaks my heart to live so far away and not be able to help more.

The Answer: One of the resources I’d like to share with you is: The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA), otherwise known as NMEDA  Their passion is to improve the lives of people with disabilities and help provide solutions to increase mobility.

To put it simply, they are the best source for wheelchair accessible vehicles and equipment.  Here is why:

  • All dealers in the NMEDA must be accredited in their quality assurance program (QAP), NMEDA QAP This means the highest standards, period.  

  • Expert assistance and Experience. They will help you customize your vehicle or equipment to fit your unique circumstances. No one size fits all here!

  • All NMEDA QAP technicians are accredited when work to ensure safety and comfort.

  • Dealerships are located in the US and Canada.

The GIVEAWAY:  The NMEDA will be giving away 4 wheelchair accessible vehicles! Nominate a Local Hero for your chance to win!

Here are the 4 categories they will be giving vehicles to:

 one to a caregiver

 one to a senior (60+years)

 one that is battery powered for in-town driving only

 one in the general category.

Dates and information: Entries accepted April 20-May 31, 2016. Voting for your favorite Local Hero will be open from May 1-May 31, 2016.

See the website and all details about the Local hero giveaway for National Mobility Awareness Month 

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